Mommy blogs are nothing new, but some moms are are going far beyond mommy blogs and sharing the birth of a child through social media as it happens.
Take, for instance, Faith Webster, of Norwalk.
She went into labor Monday, and rather than make people wait for a post-birth announcement, Faith's followers on Twitter, Facebook and YouTube got real-time updates through social media.
Webster, who works at a hospital, told us via Twitter that she has a YouTube channel and has been working on a a group project with coworkers at the ER.
Through it, she keeps YouTubers and friends updated.
At 4:20 p.m., Faith tweeted "He's here! He's here!," along with a photo of her son, Jayden. He weighed in at 6 lbs and 6 oz, according to Webster.
Last year, a British photographer and her husband live-Tweeted the home birth and the New York Times covered the story.
In England, one hospital has taken on a social media initiative called “Maternity March,” where prospective parents to ask questions on pregnancy and birth through social media.
But back here in Connecticut, we wish Faith and Jayden well.