Michael Rosenfield

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  • A fire burns through a Concord Massachusetts mansion
    Massachusetts Dec 27, 2019

    Historic 19th Century Massachusetts Mansion Destroyed in Massive Blaze

    The stately mansion that went up in flames Friday in Concord, Massachusetts, was built by a man who served as secretary of the U.S. Navy and was descended from two U.S. presidents, according to historical documents. Charles Francis Adams III built the classical revival home at 240 Fairhaven Hill Rd. that on Friday was consumed by a massive fire...

  • 86868151
    Massachusetts Mar 12, 2019

    Sen. Elizabeth Warren Makes Presidential Bid Official With Call for Change

    Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren made her bid for the presidency official on Saturday in this working-class city, grounding her 2020 campaign in a populist call to fight economic inequality and build “an America that works for everyone.” Warren delivered a sharp call for change at her presidential kickoff, decrying a “middle-class squeeze” that has left Americans crunched with “too little...

  • 86868151
    New York Jan 4, 2019

    Historic Boston Restaurant to Serve Last Customer

    One of Boston’s most historic restaurants is closing its doors. Right now, Durgin-Park in Faneuil Hall is still open for business. There are no signs the place is closing. But the workers have been told their last shifts will be next week, and now, many disappointed customers are trying to get in their final meals.

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