CT LIVE!: Celebration Eggs Benedict

Chef Sabrina Cortes from Cafe 56 showed us how to make this breakfast dish.

Celebration Benedict

Yield 2 Servings

  • 2 English Muffin split
  • 6 ounces of Smoked Salmon
  • 3 ounces of cream cheese 4 ounces of fresh sauté spinach drained.
  • 1 jar of artichoke in olive oil
  • Salt
  • 1 Ounce of vinegar
  • 4 Eggs
  • 8 Ounces of Hollandaise sauce with horseradish
  • Oven toasted artichokes and chives for garnish


  • ½ Tsp Peppercorn crushed
  • 3 ounces white wine
  • 2 ounces cold water
  • 4 egg yolks
  • Juice of one lime
  • 1 TBS of fresh grated horseradish
  • 12 ounces of clarified Butter
  • 1 pinch of cayenne pepper.

METHOD: Prepare your poaching liquid with water as needed salt and vinegar (bring it to 190 degrees to 200) keep.

Add each egg to the simmering poaching liquid, cook until medium.

Prepare your Sauce over double boiler:

Combine peppercorns, white wine, cold water and reduce by half let stand, when cold add the egg yolks (you can strain the acid liquid if you want no texture.)

Place bowl over double boiler whip until the mixture is thick and eggs cooked. Add lime juice turn off the heat of the double boiler. Begin to add the warm clarified butter few drops at the time, at the beginning, keep on whisking to create an emulsion. Once the emulsion is started you can add the butter faster,(whisking at all times) Adjust seasonings, add the horseradish to taste.

Drain artichoke and bake in the oven until crispy and light brown color, season them. Mix cream cheese, sauté spinach and some of the artichoke. Spread this dip into the toasted muffins. Distribute the smoked salmon over the 4 halves of muffins. Then add the poached eggs by lifting the eggs out of the liquid with slotted spoon and place them on top of the salmon. Finish your dish by topping each egg with 2 ounces of Hollandaise and garnish with diced chives and roasted artichokes.


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