NBC CT Responds

‘All it took was one call': NBC CT Responds helps get medical bill refund

NBC Universal, Inc.

A Connecticut woman reached out to us after months and months of trying to get a medical bill refund.

As we all deal with the rising costs of living, the last thing you need is to have your hard-earned money in the wrong hands.

That’s why NBC CT Responds is here to help.

A Connecticut woman reached out to us after months and months of trying to get a medical bill refund.

After we called, there was a resolution in four days.

Susan, who asked us not to use her last name, went to her eye appointment this summer.

She paid the almost $185 bill before she realized the appointment was billed under her medical insurance, not her vision plan, which would have cost her a lot less.

Susan reached out to Sight MD in August and was told the charge would be reversed and billed to the correct plan.

She reached out to NBC CT Responds in February when she still hadn’t received a refund months later.

“I kept calling them back. It was months and months and months of getting the runaround from them and all it took was one call from you and it was fixed,” she said.

“I’m very familiar with all the scenarios that you’ve helped people with. I’ve never had anything in the past that I couldn’t resolve on my own and I was just getting so frustrated with this and I decided to give it a try. I just thank you so much for taking care of it because all it took was one call,” Susan added.

The company Sight MD tells NBC CT Responds, “We take great pride in our patients’ happiness and positive outcomes, and we sincerely apologize for this error and the delay in resolution.”

The company added, “We are actively working to resolve this training gap,” after employees incorrectly advised Susan at some point during their conversations that this could only be billed to her medical insurance.

Susan has been refunded the almost $185.

If you have a consumer issue you’ve been struggling with and can’t resolve on your own, fill out our complaint form.

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