
Trains, Buses, Ferries to #SoundTheHorn at 3 p.m. Thursday to Honor Transportation Workers

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Officials said at CT Transit and other state Department of Transportation bus lines run by the state, buses are getting daily cleaning and disinfecting.

Buses, trains and ferries across Connecticut will sound their horns at 3 p.m. Thursday to honor transportation workers.

It's being dubbed the #SoundTheHorn campaign for the heroes moving heroes.

Buses and trains have continued to run around the clock during the coronavirus pandemic so essential workers, including first responders and healthcare workers, would be able to get to and from work.

In addition, all Amtrak trains nationwide will simultaneously sound their vehicle horns twice to pay tribute to healthcare workers, first responders, childcare workers, grocery store employees and other essential workers. 

“Every hero deserves to be recognized and thanked for their courage, selflessness and the help they are providing to this country during this time,” Amtrak Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Operating and Commercial Officer Stephen Gardner said.

“We are proud to participate with our partners and ‘sound our horns’ by honoring and thanking all of the heroes across the nation who continue their essential and heroic service.”

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