New Haven

New Haven Coronavirus Update: 133 Cases; 2nd Firefighter Tests Positive

There are 133 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in New Haven, Mayor Justin Elicker said Wednesday.

Three of those patients are residents of the Bella Vista housing complex. All three are out of the facility and receiving care at the hospital.

The mayor said Fair Haven Health has been working at the site and is now able to test residents in their rooms.

A second firefighter has tested positive for the virus, and others are still awaiting results.

Southern Connecticut State University is being outfitted as a site that may be used as a step-down unit for COVID-19 patients. This means the area can be used for patients who need care between ICU and general medical care facilities.

While work is ongoing, the site may be ready for activation by Friday, Elicker said.

City officials continue to ask people not to gather. People should be self-isolating and leaving homes only if necessary.

" We are in community widespread at the moment, so we ask individuals to please follow the proper precautions," New Haven Health Director Maritza Bond said.

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