Some Cities, Towns Distributing COVID-19 Test Kits Sunday After State Receives Partial Shipment

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Some Connecticut towns have rescheduled their COVID-19 test kit distributions after the state received a partial shipment Friday morning.

Some Connecticut towns have rescheduled their COVID-19 test kit distributions after the state received a partial shipment Friday morning.

Approximately 426,000 tests arrived in New Britain Friday. This comes after a shipment of 3 million at-home COVID-19 tests didn't arrive earlier in the week, setting back distribution plans at a time of heavy demand for testing.

Gov. Lamont said the state is getting tests to municipalities with guidance to focus on people considered vulnerable, "forward-facing" and those with symptoms.

Below is a breakdown of towns that've announced updated plans to distribute test kits to residents.


Bethel officials are holding a COVID-19 test kit distribution on Sunday, January 2. The town said they received about half the number of test kits they originally expected and as a result, they're prioritizing the first distribution to residents and frontline workers who work directly with the public that are having COVID-19 symptoms or a known exposure to the virus.

Only one test per household will be provided. All people must provide proof of residency.

The distribution will be held at the Bethel High School junior parking lot, located directly across Whittlesey Drive from DeSantis Stadium, starting at 11 a.m.

Drivers are being asked to not show up early to make sure the surrounding roads are still drivable.


The town of Brookfield said they were giving out approximately 750 test kits to residents on Sunday, January 2 at Town Hall. The distribution took place from 12 to 1 p.m.

An additional 250 test kits are being given to the school system. On top of that, 250 test kits are also going to essential personnel in Brookfield, including police, firemen, vaccine clinic volunteers, Department of Public Works employees, and more.

Town officials said they are expecting another shipment of tests which will be distributed in schools, but this is a temporary fix for those experiencing symptoms or for those who have had known exposure.


The Town of Coventry is distributing COVID-19 at home test kits and masks to residents on Sunday, January 2.

The kits were given out at Capt. Nathan Hale Middle School from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Officials said the kits are targeted for Coventry residents who have been exposed to COVID-19, have attended a gathering, plan to travel, have recently traveled or are having symptoms.

One kit is available per household member with a maximum of two. Proof of residency is required.

N95 masks will also be provided for each member of the household.

Residents are instructed to pull into the main entrance of the school at 1776 Main Street and turn left into the lower parking lot. Drivers will move slowly through the lot in a single line and then exit the lower lot to head up to the building. At the front of the building, drivers will stop, roll down the passenger window, show ID and accept the test kits and masks.


Danbury town officials are giving out at-home COVID-19 tests to residents on Sunday, January 2 at Western Connecticut State University.

The distribution site will be open from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Westside campus on Lake Avenue Ext.

The city of Danbury is limiting each family to a maximum of one kit, which includes two tests. The kits will be available on a first come, first served basis.

The kits are only available for Danbury residents.

Some Towns Distribute COVID-19 Test Kits After State Receives Partial Shipment
Some Connecticut towns have rescheduled their COVID-19 test kit distributions after the state received a partial shipment Friday morning.


The town of Fairfield said they received 32 cases of test kits, which totals over 9,000 test kits, to give to residents on Sunday, January 2. Distribution took place from 12 to 4 p.m. at Roger Ludlowe Middle School.

Because of limited supply, test kits are intended for residents that are symptomatic or that have a known exposure to someone who tested positive.

Proof of residency is required. Officials said four kits, each containing a single test, and four masks will be distributed per household.

Anyone who attends is asked to enter the site at 440 Mill Plain Road, adjacent to Sturges Park.

Demand for COVID-19 Tests in Conn. Continues in New Year
The demand for COVID-19 tests in Connecticut is continuing in the new year.


Haddam officials said they've received a very limited number of at-home test kits and they distributed them on Sunday, January 2 starting at 1 p.m.

The town said they'll give two kits and N95 masks per household on a first come, first served basis. The distribution site was held at Haddam Killingworth High School.

Proof of residency is required and people were asked to bring something to write with.

Officials are being asked to give tests to people who are considered high-risk, those showing symptoms, or those who've had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.


The town of Litchfield said they were giving out COVID-19 tests on Sunday, January 2 after receiving approximately half of the shipment they were expecting.

There were two distribution sites open: one at the Bantam Annex on Doyle Road in Bantam and the other at the Northfield Volunteer Fire Company on Knife Shop Road in Northfield. Both sites were open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Officials said that school students should be receiving additional home test kits next week and first responders have already received theirs.


Naugatuck officials said they received a partial shipment of COVID-19 test kits from the state that they'll be distributing on Sunday, January 2. Residents can go to the Naugatuck Event Center at 10 a.m. to pick up the tests.

Proof of residency is required. Officials said they will do their best to give preference to those who are symptomatic as well as the elderly.

The distribution will last until tests run out.

Police are asking residence who are able to wait for future shipments to do so to allow those in greater need to take advantage of the first shipment.


The town of Plainville gave out approximately 1,000 at-home COVID-19 test kits on Sunday, January 2.

Shortly after noon, police said they were already out of tests.

Masks were also given out.


Portland town officials gave out at-home COVID-19 test kits to residents on Sunday, January 2. The distribution was held at Portland High School from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.

N95 masks were also given out.


The town of Stamford is giving out its first batch of 20,000 at-home COVID-19 test kits on Sunday, January 2. Tests and masks will be given out at three different locations across town starting at 12 p.m. until supplies run out.

Distribution is taking place at Scalzi Park, Cummings Park and Kosciuszko Park. Officials said the tests are intended for residents who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms, have a known exposure, or are high-risk.

At this time, Kosciuszko Park has completed its distribution. The other two locations are almost at the end of their supplies as well.


The town of Suffield received over 1,000 COVID-19 tests to distribute on Sunday, January 2. The test kit distribution will take place at 3 p.m. and will go on until all supplies are gone at Suffield High School.

The kits will be available on a first come, first served basis. A maximum of two kits will be available per household.

A small number of kits will go to personnel such as the fire department, police department, and public works. Another small batch of kits will be distributed to the Suffield Senior Center, Suffield Community Aid, and town Housing Authority.

Officials ask that if you have a means of obtaining a test elsewhere, you do not come to the site.


Town officials distributed at-home COVID-19 tests on Sunday, January 2. The event was supposed to go from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Tolland High School, but ended around 9:44 a.m. once all the kits were given out.


Trumbull officials said they distributed at-home COVID-19 tests to residents on Sunday, January 2. Tests were given out at Unity Park from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. to people who previously signed up to reserve a kit.

At this time, town officials said they don't have any extra kits available.


Health officials in Waterbury said at-home COVID-19 test kits will be distributed on Sunday, January 2 starting at 10 a.m.

There will be two distribution sites: one at the Municipal Stadium South Lot on Watertown Avenue and the other at Waterbury City Hall on Grand Street.

Proof of residency is required to receive test kits. It is first come, first served.

Cars Line Up to Get COVID-19 Test Kits in Waterbury
Dozens of cars lined up to get COVID-19 test kits in Waterbury on Sunday.


Watertown officials said they received a limited supply of at-home COVID-19 tests from the state that they distributed to residents on Sunday, January 2.

The distribution took place from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at John Trumbull Primary School.

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