Special Olympics Connecticut

130 people participate in Special Olympics Connecticut Penguin Plunge in Middletown

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NBC Universal, Inc.

Over 100 people participated in the Special Olympics Connecticut Penguin Plunge in Middletown on Saturday.

Over 100 people participated in the Special Olympics Connecticut Penguin Plunge in Middletown on Saturday.

For over 20 years, the event has been held at the Polish Falcons Nest and this year was no different.

In total, the organization said there were 130 Plungers and the event raised over $50,000.

There are more Penguin Plunges coming up across the state:

  • Saturday, March 3 - Shoreline Penguin Plunge at Eastern Point Beach in Groton
  • Saturday, March 23 - Brookfield Penguin Plunge at Brookfield Point Beach
  • Saturday, March 30 - Tolland Penguin Plunge at Crandall Park
  • Saturday, April 6 - Fairfield Penguin Plunge at Jennings Beach
  • Saturday, April 13 - Monroe Plunge at the Park at Great Hollow Lake

There is also an option to do a virtual Penguin Plunge anytime and anywhere through April 30.

More information can be found here.

NBC Connecticut and Telemundo Connecticut are a proud sponsor of Special Olympics Connecticut.

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