New London

Businesses, People Take Advantage of SE CT Sunshine and Warm Weather

Mother Nature is delivering this fall weekend. It’s expected to be sunny and warm, which has many businesses excited that people are going to take advantage of the outdoors.

Marilyn Graham gathered her friends together to celebrate her 77th birthday at Captain Scott’s Lobster Dock in New London.

“Everyone’s so busy though! Even in your 90s,” Graham laughed.

They weren’t too busy for lobster rolls. But with the majority of the crew in their 80s and 90s, they were waiting for a sunny day to come out.

PHOTOS: Enjoying the Mild October Weather Along the Shoreline

“We tried to do it earlier but the weather was very bad and we didn’t want to chance anyone getting sick,” Graham said.

The lobster roll hot-spot had a lunch line Friday. People were out enjoying their last taste of summer and summer-like weather before Captain Scott’s closes for the season on Oct. 14.

“It’s good for business for sure. It’s better than rain. You never know there. October is tricky,” owner Susan Tierney said.

It’s also been a rainy summer and fall.

“A lot of diehards for lobster rolls would come down with their umbrella. It was a good year, not our best because of the weather,” she said.

Autumn businesses, like Holmberg Orchards, are also very excited the sun will be shining and people will be spending time and money outdoors.

“We love it when it’s sunny on the weekends, we don’t like it when it rains. And so far we’ve had plenty of rain but it all comes during the week so at least when the doors are open, it’s sun shining,” said farmer Russell Holmberg.

He expects thousands to come to Gales Ferry this weekend to pick apples, pumpkins, drink cider and go for tractor rides.

“It’s looking like we’re going to get three beautiful day strung together,” Holmberg said.

Ten-year-old Allison Wojnar and her brother Aiden, 7, were in the pumpkin patch trying to find the perfect ones. Aiden touted the good weather. Allison couldn’t wait to for the next activity: apple picking.

“I’m really excited because I love apples! They’re like my favorite snack,” Wojnar said.

The almost summer-like weather is good news for Maugle Sierra Vineyards in Ledyard, too. They have live, outdoor music Friday and Sunday.

“It brings in a lot of people,” said Noreen Lima, a tasting room associate. “They want to be outdoors as much as they can before the winter comes.”

That’s what Dan Bell is going to do. The East Windsor boater is planning to get out on the water with his son, who is home from college this weekend.

“Unfortunately it was a late summer coming,” Bell said. “But at least we got a little extension here on the end!”

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