New Haven

New Haven Traffic and Parking Employee Assaulted

New Haven police say they are looking for the person who assaulted a New Haven traffic and parking employee in broad daylight Wednesday.

Police said it happened around 12:45 p.m. on Orange Street, between Elm and Court streets. 

Investigators have not determined whether the parking enforcement officer was handing out a ticket when the assault occurred. They do know he was walking down this street when he was hit in the back of the head.

Police say the officer fell to the ground and momentarily lost consciousness. He was rushed to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

Witnesses told police one or two assailants fled the scene.

A police department spokesperson says situations like these are rare.

“I’m aware of disputes escalating to minor physical altercations, but I’m not aware of a recent incident where someone was so viciously attacked," said Capt. Anthony Duff.

Police said the suspect was described as a male in his 20s or 30s, around 6-foot with a thin build. He was wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans at the time of the attack and was seen getting into the backseat of a rusty tan-colored older model sedan.

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