Tweed New Haven Airport reacts to loss of American Airlines service.
American Airlines is stopping service at Tweed Airport in New Haven, according to an airport spokesperson.
"This is the most difficult period in the history of the airline industry and while we're certainly disappointed by American's decision, we're grateful for their many years of quality service here in New Haven," Tweed Executive Director Sean Scanlon said.
American Airlines was the only commercial airline at Tweed Airport.
Scanlon said the airport is in serious discussions with new potential air carriers.
"We are confident that air service will resume here at Tweed-New Haven Airport in the near future," Scanlon said.
A spokesperson for American Airlines said the airline will no longer operate to Williamsport, PA and Newburgh, NY, as well.
"These flights were initially suspended in October as we waited for PSP support, but are not financially viable routes for the foreseeable future; thus, we have made the difficult decision to cancel service to these markets indefinitely," Brian Metham, senior specialist of global communications for American Airlines said.