
Arunan Arulampalam endorsed by Hartford Democrats in mayoral race

Arulampalam Campaign

The Hartford Democratic Town Committee has officially endorsed Arunan Arulampalam in the 2023 mayoral race.

In a statement, Arulampalam said he is humbled and grateful to have won the support of the Hartford Democats.

"With this endorsement, our campaign will be even better able to connect with voters at their doors and on the phone, sharing our vision for a bright, equitable, and economically vibrant future for Hartford," Arulampalam said.

He went on to say that he's excited to move into the next phase of his campaign with the support of the Hartford Democrats.

"I am grateful for the overwhelming support of the Hartford Town Committee. This committee has a clear track record and history of lifting up the Democratic party, our candidates and our values," Arulampalam said. "I look forward to working hard with each candidate on Row A to ensure victory in September and November."

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