Beacon Falls

Beacon Falls Ravaged by Recent Storms

Residents in Beacon Falls are still trying to get back to business as usual after severe storms came through Tuesday.

In Beacon Falls, the clean up from Tuesday’s tornado is well underway. But one doesn’t have to look far to see clear signs of the power of the week’s weather and the destruction it caused.

At homes like Vera Woodward’s on Wolfe Avenue where countless downed trees and debris now cover her front yard, the cleanup effort is still underway three days after the storm.

“Before I knew it, TV went off. I looked out and the winds blowing and the rain and hail and then I saw nothing. It was like a sandstorm” Woodward said of the moments before the storm swept through her community.

Her house didn’t sustain any substantial damage. But a tree landed in her pool and another one collapsed the small house where she stores a beloved classic car.

“I could feel the house moving. We were fortunate. The house is in good order. We are, especially us together,” Woodward said.

In the community, debris from the storm still litters many streets and people are still shocked about the level of damage the fast-moving storm left behind.

“We started walking the neighborhood and we just couldn’t believe the damage that was around the neighborhood,” said Paul Bernier.

On Friday, two smashed cars could be seen outside of the home where Dan Griffin lives. There was no power and he used a generator to provide electricity to his home as well as a neighbor’s.

“We’re out of power. There’s a tree on top of our roof, inside our house,” he said. The storm also knocked off the house’s chimney and toppled a neighbor’s trampoline.

But despite all of that, Griffin is among the many here who are working together to get everything back to how it used to be.

“The whole neighborhood’s been helping each other. We all came together,” he said.

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