City of Waterbury to Improve East Main Street

The City of Waterbury is planning a major face lift for one stretch of road downtown.

The State Bond Commission has approved a $4 million dollar project to improve East Main Street from Exchange Place to North Elm Street. The stretch of road includes the Palace Theatre and the UConn Waterbury campus.

“It’s a high profile roadway,” James Nardozzi, Interim CEO of the Waterbury Development Corporation said. “It has extremely aging utilities. The Water main underneath there is already 109 years old. This is going to be an underground as well as above ground restructuring and re-facing of this entire stretch.”

The project will include putting in new sidewalks, crosswalks and benches. City leaders are asking for public input before coming up with a design.

“Parking is definitely a problem,” said Danielle Madison, who works at Louie’s Pizza on East Main. “They can’t stop in and get their food. They get ticketed, they’re nervous. A lot of times are running the food out.”

“We do need new roads because it’s been really bumpy, the holes in it, it’s messing up cars.” Jazmin Munoz of Waterbury said.

The plan is to begin work in the spring. It’s not clear yet how long the project will take.

The public hearing on the project is tomorrow night at 6:30 at the UConn Waterbury campus.

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