Jennifer Dulos

Court declares Jennifer Dulos dead more than 4 years after she disappeared

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More than four years after Jennifer Dulos disappeared, a court has declared her dead.

Dulos, a mother of five from New Canaan, was last seen in May 2019 and has been presumed dead.

Jennifer’s mother, who is the guardian of Jennifer's children, petitioned for the court to declare the missing mother dead to protect Jennifer and her children’s assets and the case was filed in Darien-New Canaan Probate Court in Darien on Aug. 2, according to online court records.

Judge William P. Osterndorf issued the declaration of death on Oct. 24.

“The over-whelming evidence submitted to the Court supports the claim that Jennifer sustained non-survivable injuries,” the decision states.

Jennifer moved from Farmington to New Canaan after separating from her husband Fotis Dulos and she was last seen on May 24, 2019 after dropping her children off at school in New Canaan.

The court filing says that New Canaan police responded to Jennifer’s home after she was reported missing and found blood evidence on a Range Rover that was parked in the garage bay and more blood evidence was found in Jennifer’s Chevrolet Suburban, which was found abandoned in New Canaan.

In the last four years, there has been no sign of Jennifer.

“Extensive efforts have been made by local and State Police authorities to locate her body. To date, more than four years have passed and the body of Jennifer has not been located. Neither Jennifer’s mother, children or other family members and friends have been contacted by Jennifer since May 24, 2019. The inescapable conclusion is Jennifer is dead,” Osterndorf wrote.

While investigating the disappearance of Jennifer, police arrested Fotis Dulos and charged him with felony murder, murder and kidnapping in connection with his estranged wife’s disappearance and presumed death.

He pleaded not guilty and died in January 2020, days after attempting suicide at his Farmington home. A judge later agreed to nolle the murder charge.

Fotis Dulos was dating Michelle Troconis when Jennifer disappeared and Troconis was charged with conspiracy to commit murder, tampering with physical evidence, hindering prosecution and additional charges.

She pleaded not guilty and her trial is expected to start later this week.

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