Animals and Wildlife

Critically endangered African penguins are born at Mystic Aquarium

Mystic Aquarium

Four African penguins, who are a critically endangered species, hatched at Mystic Aquarium earlier this month.

The penguin chicks hatched in early January and they're the offspring of two first-time penguin parent pairs: purple/red and black/blue, and black/green and purple/green.

Mystic Aquarium doesn't name its penguins, and refers to them by the plastic-colored beads on their tags.

The chicks hatched on Jan. 6, 7, 9 and 10. The aquarium said the chicks have already shown remarkable growth.

Mystic Aquarium
Mystic Aquarium

African penguins are a critically endangered species, meaning they face an extremely high risk of extinction, according to the aquarium.

They said the African penguin population has declined by 97%, with estimates suggesting they could disappear from the wild in the next decade.

Mystic Aquarium said these penguins can grow to about 24 to 27 inches tall and weigh about eight to 10 pounds. They eat fish including anchovies, pilchards, sardines and more.

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