
CT correction officer arrested after allegedly luring 14-year-old for sex: police

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Meriden police have arrested a correction officer that is accused of luring a 14-year-old for sex through the online messaging app Kik, according to documents obtained by NBC Connecticut.

The incident report states that a FBI agent went undercover and communicated with Richard Hammell, 36, on several occasions, posing as the father of a 14-year-old girl.

The agent told Hammell he was a 46-year-old man who was sexually active with his step daughter. After conversing on Oct. 4, Hammell messaged the agent saying he would like to meet the teenage girl, according to the report.

Hammell knew the girl was underage, and proceeded to make sexual advances anyways, the report states. The agent told Hammell to bring condoms and Plan B, to which he replied, "that's perfect for me," and "I can't wait to meet her."

The correction officer allegedly made several sexual comments and sent sexual photos that were intended for the teen, according to the report.

After about a week of messaging back and forth, a date and time were set to meet up. Hammell allegedly sent photos of condoms and alcohol he bought at the store before the meet up. When he arrived at the agreed-upon location, Hammell was taken into custody by authorities, the report states.

After his arrest, Hammell told authorities that he knew he was meeting a 14-year-old and her step father. He went on to say that he was "curious" to see what would happen, but didn't believe the teen was actually 14 years old, the report states.

The Department of Correction said Hammell was last assigned to the Manson Youth Institution. He was hired in Oct. 2007. Correction officials say they cannot comment further because Hammell is the subject of an ongoing Security Division Investigation.

Hammell faces charges for criminal attempt of risk of injury to a minor, criminal attempt to commit sexual assault and enticing a minor by computer. He is being held on a $500,000 bond.

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