
CT restaurants and bars can't stay open an extra hour Sunday morning

Every spring we set our clocks forward an hour, and every fall we set them back, but why? Learn the real story behind Daylight Saving Time.

While we will be turning the clocks back this weekend, Connecticut bars and restaurants will not be allowed to stay open for an extra hour on Sunday morning, according to the Department of Consumer Protection Division of Liquor Control.

We turn back the clocks from 2 a.m. to 1 a.m. on Sunday.

The Department of Consumer Protection warns that, at that time, no more sales, consumption, or presence of alcoholic beverages is allowed in these bars or restaurants according to state liquor regulations.

“It’s time for our annual fun-sucking reminder,’” DCP Commissioner Bryan T. Cafferelli said in a statement. “When the clocks turn back that’s your sign to request a ride or call a cab, not to order another round. Go home, enjoy that extra hour of sleep, and as always, please drink responsibly.”

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