
Danbury Mayor Fires Back at Comedian John Oliver

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton appeared in a Facebook video on Saturday responding to comedian John Oliver.
Mayor Mark Boughton

Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton is firing back at John Oliver a week after the comedian took some shots at Danbury on his HBO show "Last Week Tonight."

During a segment on his August 16 show on racial disparities in the jury selection process, Oliver mentioned issues that years ago accidentally left residents of Hartford and New Britain off jury pool lists.

It was during his explanation of what happened that he decided to zero in on Danbury.

"If you're going to forget a town in Connecticut, why not forget Danbury?" Oliver said.

He then listed a series of positive aspects of Danbury, including its "charming railway museum," Hearthstone Castle, and he even pointed out that in 2015 USA Today ranked Danbury as the No. 2 U.S. city to live in.

Oliver finished his rant with some colorful language and a challenge.

"If you're from there, you have a standing invite to come get a thrashing from John Oliver -- children included," he said.

On Saturday, Mayor Boughton responded, announcing a plan to name the city's sewage treatment facility as the "John Oliver Memorial Sewer Plant."

"Because it's full of c**p, just like you, John," Boughton said in a Facebook post.

Boughton also agreed with Oliver about the wonderful points of interest Danbury has to offer.

Now the mayor will have to wait to see if Oliver responds.

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