DOC Releases Results of Mass Testing

Out of the 9,504 prisoners tested across the system, 832 tested positive for COVID-19. This count does not include 510 others who previously tested positive.

The Connecticut Department of Correction has released results of its COVID-19 mass testing efforts, revealing a positive test percentage of 9%.

In May the DOC began testing as many of its prisoners and staff. Out of the 9,504 prisoners tested across the system, 832 were positive.

Officials said all but two tested as part of the mass testing effort were asymptomatic and remained so through a 14-day isolation period. The mass testing results do not include the 510 who previously contracted the virus.

Brooklyn Correctional Institution saw the highest percent positive rate, with 45% of its 295 tested coming back positive. Two facilities, York Correctional Institute and Manson Youth Institution, reported 0 cases from mass testing.

Seven prisoners have died of COVID-related illness, according to the DOC website.

Staff has also been tested. So far, 593 have been tested, and just one came back positive for the coronavirus.

FacilityTotal # of offenders testedCompliance RateTotal # positive resultsPercent Positive Rate
Osborn CT51758%14624%
Brooklyn CI295100%13245%
Robinson CI78492%16922%
Bridgeport CC56992%6211%
Willard-Cybulski CI54799%163%
New Haven CC62091%7412%
Hartford CC79299%628%
Cheshire CI1,10399%81%
MacDougall-Walker CI1,862100%30%
Garner CI51898%10%
Manson Youth Institution 166100%00%
Northern CI10889%76%
York CI56399%00%

Those who opted out of testing will be offered the option again.

The DOC noted that since March 1, 2020, the population in their facilities has dropped by more than 2,400, in part due to efforts toward the discretionary release of those eligible back into the community.

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