
Docks break away from marina due to flooding in Glastonbury

NBC Universal, Inc.

A couple of docks broke away from a Glastonbury marina and appeared to have floated down the Connecticut River Wednesday. On Thursday, officials said five boats were located and have been tied up in Portland. It was not immediately clear if these boats had drifted from Glastonbury.

The Seaboard Marina said docks broke apart due to heavy flooding. Boat owners who might have been affected were notified and most boats were hauled into the basin.

Video from an NBC Connecticut viewer showed a dock with boats attached floating on the Connecticut River through Portland.

Another video showed a dock floating past the Portland Railroad Bridge along the river.

The marina said they are doing everything they could to mitigate the situation.

The Glastonbury Fire Department said they responded to see if anyone needed to be rescued, but no one did.

Police did not confirm whether or not the dock spotted along the river originated from the Glastonbury marina.

The state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection said it received reports of a floating pier and the last notice was it was south of Middletown.

Officials contacted the Coast Guard about the five boats that were found and registration numbers were provided to DEEP.

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