New Haven

Family Members of Slain New Haven Teen Speak of His Intelligence, Talents

NBC Universal, Inc.

“He really loved science. When we were growing up, he was just super, super interested in anything to do with space or anything to do with the sea,” said Tavien Milton, reflecting on the loss of his younger cousin, 17-year-old Keiron Jones.

He says they were close -- riding bikes, playing video games, going on vacations, taking a trip to an all-you-can-eat seafood restaurant in Rhode Island. And the family always laughed.

“He liked cracking a lot of jokes. He was like, really funny,” said cousin Tasia Milton. “He used to have this funny hairstyle where it was cut on the sides and then it used to be high. And we used to make fun of him and say he looked like the guy off of – what’s that show?” Tasia said with a laugh.

“Bart Simpson,” said Tavien. He says the family really got Keiron with that one because he always had jokes on older family members.

Those are some of the memories they have of Keiron. He was shot and killed on Sunday while he was in a car on Orchard Place. The outpouring of love is showing up in the New Haven Community among everyone he touched.

A banner is up inside Hillhouse High School where he was a junior. His family showed us his latest report card, showing a single B and two missed classes. He was also taking classes at Yale University.

“He was an honor student all through school,” said Carmen Jones, Keiron’s grandmother.

A memorial for the honor student is also growing at the place where he was killed on Sunday night. His family says none of it adds up, and they want the person responsible to turn themselves in.

“We just want justice. That’s it. We just want justice because he didn’t deserve this. He ain’t a kid that was out in the street,” said his sister, Amber Torres.

Police detectives were seen Wednesday walking the area where the shooting happened. The family says they know little about that night, and made it clear that they want answers and peace.

“Just keep the family in prayer, that’s all I ask,” said Carmen Torres.

His grandmother says parents need to be more involved in what young people are doing in New Haven. she says it’s costing innocent lives, young and old.

“He got caught in something that wasn’t even his fault. He was just in his car, so you know it’s sad that he had to be the one that this happened to,” said Carmen Torres, who added that all loss of life is a tragedy.

In order to turn the tide on gun violence and cut down on the deaths in the city, she says parents should be held responsible for their children’s actions.   

“Even though the parents are not to blame sometimes, they could come from the best homes, but it’s the people they meet,” she said. “You have to talk to your children.”

The case is still under investigation. Keiron’s funeral is planned for April 2.

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