Greeting the UConn students on their Storrs campus Monday morning was a message spray-painted on the school's spirit rock that reads: "Frat Lives Matter."
"I think it's too soon," said student Dez Williams.
Late last week, six kappa sigma fraternity brothers were arrested in relation to the death of a 19-year-old student. In October, Jeffny Pally died after being run over by a campus fire SUV. Police said Pally had an alcohol level more than three times the legal limit and had been sitting against the fire dept garage doors when they opened for the vehicle.
Authorities said Pally had been drinking at the off-campus kappa sigma house. Those six frat brothers now face several charges, including permitting a minor to illegally possess alcohol.
"I think it was insensitive," said Williams.
The UConn Interfraternity Council released a statement on their Instagram account, saying in part:
"The wildly inappropriate and insensitive messages of 'frat lives matter'painted on rocks throughout our campus this morning do not in any way reflect the values or beliefs of the UConn Interfraternity Council or any of our 12 recognized member fraternities."
"We want to see positive things coming out of UConn especially in greek life," said Anu Dwarki.
Dwarki is in greek life and said he expects more from other members.
"I want to see more positive things," said Dwarki.
UConn staff did not say if any investigation will be launched or any action will be taken. There are rules to painting the spirit rocks which any organization can do.
As long as the work "fosters pride within student groups,"
Williams said the newest paint job which says the painted words "UConn Nation" couldn't come soon enough.
"I think that looks way better than what was on before," said Williams.
Authorities are not sure who wrote "Frat Lives Matters." But, according to the IFC one greek life member from every organization on campus helped to repaint the rock.