Governor Asks for Additional Federal Support to Deal With COVID-19 Pandemic

Long lines for COVID-19 testing at Saint Francis Hospital

The governor is asking the president for additional federal financial help for Connecticut to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gov. Ned Lamont is asking that the federal government authorize the Federal Emergency Management to cover 100 percent of the costs Connecticut has incurred.

"The human and fiscal costs to Connecticut are staggering. As of April 13, 2020, Connecticut has more than 13,380 COVID-19 positive cases. Nearly 700 people have died. Nearly 1,800 are hospitalized. Almost 10% of our total population – about 333,000 people – has filed unemployment claims since March 13. State government has already incurred about $500 million in unbudgeted costs in responding to the pandemic, and current projections indicate that number will at least triple to $1.5 billion," Lamont wrote in a letter to President Donald Trump.

Last month, the federal government approved a major disaster declaration that allowed impacted state agencies and municipalities in all eight of Connecticut's counties will be reimbursed for 75 percent of the costs associated with the response and emergency protective measures for the coronavirus outbreak.  

“The size and scope of this public health emergency is unprecedented,” Gov. Ned Lamont said in a statement. “The president has acknowledged this in declaring a major disaster in every state in the nation. If approved, this request would bring much needed additional financial assistance to the state and our municipalities.”

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