Hartford mayor Luke Bronin has submitted his budget proposal to the town clerk and said it includes 42 layoffs and $15 million in cuts.
Bronin, who is serving his first term as mayor, was blunt when he delivered his State of the City Address and said the budget cuts would hurt and could eliminate some city services.
On Monday, he said the city cannot raise the mill rate, which is the tax rate on the assessed value of property.
His budget assumes labor savings of $15 million and he said there are difficult decisions.
"We are open to discussions about how we get to that number," Bronin said.
The layoffs will hit almost every department, Bronin said.
He said this budget is not sustainable over the long term and everything is on the table.
There have also been warnings about cuts coming to the city.
In March, Richard F. Wareing, the chairman of the Hartford Board of Education, said the public schools department has a projected deficit of $20 million and school administrators planned to cut 200 positions.