The Hartford St. Patrick’s Day parade has been postponed until next Saturday in light of inclement weather in the forecast, according to Hartford police.
The Hartford St. Patrick's Day parade has been postponed until Saturday because of inclement weather, according to Hartford police.
The parade was originally scheduled for this past Saturday.
"In anticipation of the Saturday forecast, it is the committee’s determination that its goal could not be achieved in heavy rains and that the safety of our participants might be compromised in the event that early morning conditions involve any sort of icing," the parade organizers said in a statement released on Wednesday afternoon.
Hartford police said the parade will now kick off at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 21. Last year, the parade drew a crowd of 5,000 marchers.
"The Parade Committee would like to acknowledge the cooperation of the City of Hartford and our parade participants in adapting to this change and looks forward to a great day on Saturday the 21st," the organizers said.
More information on the parade is available online.