Hartford State Rep. Steps Down After Pressure to Resign

A Hartford state representative has resigned after pressure to step down when questionable text messages surfaced between Angel Arce and a teenager.

"I am very grateful for the opportunity to have met so many wonderful people in my role as a State Representative and Hartford Town Committee member, and to have worked alongside so many talented colleagues in both roles," Arce wrote in a letter to the state's secretary.

Speaker of the House Joe Aresimowicz sent a letter to Arce on March 1, informing him that he removed the state representative from the positions of assistant majority leader and vice chair of the transportation committee, as well as from the transportation, housing and finance, revenue and bonding committees.

“In light of the nature of such information, I strongly encourage you to resign your office of State Representative for the 4th District in the Connecticut House of Representatives,” the letter from Aresimowicz says.

Messages obtained by NBC Connecticut purportedly shows Arce talking to a 16-year-old girl. The girl in question is now 18 years old. 

One Democratic source describes them as "not explicit and not at all appropriate."

No criminal investigation is underway since the messages are not explicit. 

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