Hartford Whalers: From Heartbeat to Heartbreak

"When you lost the Whalers, you lost the heart and soul of the community."

It's the story of a beloved professional hockey team that has been gone longer than it stayed.

"Hartford Whalers: From Heartbeat to Heartbreak" is a documentary about how memorable it can be when a professional hockey team finds its perfect place in a loving community.

The Hartford Whalers have an iconic logo seen around the world and a fan club that still wants them back. There’s even a rock band dedicated to the team, still playing songs in a basement.

Hartford Whalers: Then and now

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What isn’t gone are the memories of a full Civic Center on a Saturday night, the lessons from athletes that gave back to their community and a catchy team song that’s played following goals by pro teams.

The documentary features emotional testimonies from owners, players and booster club members. It's not just a sports story - it's a love story about the bond between a team, the platers and their adoring fans.

"There was a love affair between the city and the community and the state for this team," said founder Howard Baldwin.

The full documentary can be seen above.

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