Hockey Fans Come to Little Singer's Rescue

There is hope for humanity and the proof comes from video taken during a Connecticut Whale game.

At an AHL game against the Norfolk Admirals in Virginia, hockey fans came to the rescue of an 8-year-old girl just as something embarrassing happens, reports Yahoo Sports.

Elizabeth Hughes was singing the National Anthem last Friday night when the microphone went out just as she got to the part where she was about to sing, “through the night that our flag was still there.”

First there is one rude guffaw – but then the crowd joins in, coming to the aid of a little girl with a beautiful voice.

Elizabeth keeps her cool and just keeps singing along with the crowd.

The comments on the YouTube video Elizabeth’s mother posted are heartwarming. If the video didn't bring a tear to your eye, the reaction of strangers might.

“That little girl's composure gives a whole new meaning to "home of the brave", doesn't it?” one person posted.

“All those who jumped in and helped her finish that song are true patriots. What an example of national pride!,” someone else posted.

Hats off the hockey fans in Virgina!

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