
Mama bear and her cubs destroy bee habitats in Southington

A Southington farm is left to pick up the pieces after a mama bear and her cubs appear to have destroyed over a dozen bee habitats, causing thousands of dollars in damage.

It happened at The LEAF, also known as Lewis Educational Agricultural Farm, on Thursday.

The master bee keeper at The LEAF said it appears that a mama bear and her cubs came through and destroyed four or five boxes of beehives, or about 14 beehives total.

The farm says it will cost about $500 to replace each beehive. But they're no stranger to bears.

A bear has destroyed some of their hives in the past, but it's the first time they've gone after these specific beehives.

The LEAF said they put up an electric fence last year, but it didn't do them any good.

The farm provides local students and community members with an opportunity to learn more about the production of food, according to their website.

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