
Manchester Considers Redesign of Intersection Near Buckland Hills Mall

A major intersection near the Buckland Hills mall in Manchester could be getting a facelift.

A major intersection near the Buckland Hills mall in Manchester could be getting a facelift.

This proposed project is meant to make safety improvements on Buckland Street at the Buckland Hills Drive and Pleasant Valley Road intersection, near the mall. Officials estimate that 60,000 vehicles pass through the intersection every day. That's more than 21 million every year. The intersection is one of the most accident-prone in the region, according to town officials.

The project’s estimated to cost $903,000. Nearly all of the construction would be paid for by the state and the rest should be covered by Public Works Bond funding.

The proposed project incorporates two key changes. First, removing and replacing the current traffic lights. And second, removing channelizing islands which help drivers make a right turn.

"We found that over the past six, seven-year history of recording accidents out there that there's a significant amount of accidents involving rear-end collisions at those islands," said Manchester Town Engineer Jeff Lamal.

It's a suggestion that some drivers agree on.

"Sometimes, people have to make that U-Turn, and it really does cause problems," said South Windsor resident Mary Ellen Flynn.

Though for some in the area, navigating through construction is the last thing they want to be doing amidst a busy intersection.

“It will be horrible because traffic is already bad in this area. But, I think in the long run, after everything is done, I think it’ll be a good thing, so you just have to suck it up and deal with it,” said Sherikia Lockman of Manchester.

The public can also submit written comments or suggestions to the town engineer. For more information on the plans and information on how to submit your comment, click here. 

“If they start messing with this, then that’s just going to piss off people more. It could cause more accidents and more tailgating in my opinion. So, I think they should leave it alone.” 

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