
March For School Safety Held in Hamden

NBC Universal, Inc.

Parents and advocates gathered at Hamden High School and marched to Town Hall on Sunday.

A call for action was held in Hamden on Sunday.

Parents and advocates gathered at Hamden High School and marched to Hamden Town Hall.

There are calls for change after students and staff have dealt with violence and threats involving Hamden High School recently.

They were calling on state officials to step in after students and staff dealt with recent violence and threats made against the high school.

The school had to shut down for days before opening with increased security.

Students at Hamden High School are going through additional security when they arrived at school after threats. That security includes metal detectors.

"We have to be part of the solution. We can talk about the problems all day long, but we the adults need to come together and figure this out for our kids. They need us. They're their children. And that's our job," said March for School Safety organizer Karlen Meinsen.

After a series of threats closed Hamden High for days, students returned to metal detector wands and long lines to get in Wednesday.

Hamden's superintendent was also at the event. He said that the school has ordered metal detectors and hopes to have them by the end of this week.

He is encouraging students and staff to continue to report anything suspicious.

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