New Haven

New Haven Coronavirus Update: 71 Confirmed Cases; 2 in First Responders

NBC Universal, Inc.

Multiple New Haven first responders been diagnosed with coronavirus while more than a dozen others are in self-quarantine awaiting test results

Two New Haven public safety officers - one police officer and one firefighter, have tested positive for COVID-19, Mayor Justin Elicker confirmed Monday.

The mayor provided the update in Monday's coronavirus preparedness briefing.

New Haven Chief of Police Otoniel Reyes said his department is taking precautions and working with the Health Department to identify and contact everyone the officer has been in contact with recently.

Fire Chief John Alston said he had 13 firefighters who were out of work. Four have tested negative, and eight are awaiting results of COVID-19 testing. He said in many cases it is not taking long to get the test, but the amount of time spent waiting on the results has been frustrating.

They are monitoring employees for symptoms, screening every day twice a day.

All briefings are uploaded to the Mayor’s YouTube Page at

New Haven has 73 confirmed cases of coronavirus, according to statistics the state released on Monday. Two people have died.

The state of Connecticut has had more than 2,500 confirmed cases and 36 deaths.

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