
More than 50,000 turkeys are being distributed by Connecticut Foodshare

Around 500 Connecticut food pantries are receiving holiday foods and supplies for Thanksgiving.

NBC Universal, Inc.

Connecticut Foodshare is making sure thousands of families don’t go without a proper holiday meal this Thanksgiving. The nonprofit is distributing about 52,000 turkeys to people in need.

It was a hectic Monday at Connecticut Foodshare’s Wallingford warehouse volunteers were bustling, and pantries were making their pick-ups to make sure food insecurity is addressed around the state.

Pallets of food were organized and distributed only days before Thanksgiving.

There is an entire operation going on [in the warehouse] and it’s been going on for several weeks,” Connecticut Foodshare CEO Jason Jakubowski said.

Foodshare will distribute turkeys and all the fix ins this holiday. Helping package those supplies Monday, which will be sent to about 500 food pantries, were members of the U.S. Coast Guard.

“It’s always highly encouraged for us to come out here and volunteer some hours and make sure everyone has a good meal,” Mark Paget said.

Together, the sailors were among the many volunteers who’s worked tirelessly this week, packing thousands of pounds of food.

“It’s a lot of hard work, but I really hope it’s going to feed a lot of good people,” Josh Iler said.

Since last week, food pantries from around the state have filled their vans and trucks with supplies. Herman Heyward filled his truck Monday and headed for the Christian Union Food Pantry.

“It makes me feel good, man. I feel good in my heart. That I’m given back,” Heyward said.

Heyward was one of many picking up Thanksgiving supplies at Connecticut Foodshare this week. Almost all of the 52,000 turkeys are donated.

Middletown’s Amazing Grace Food Pantry is one of Connecticut Foodshare’s clients. Among those receiving food there Monday was Jason Lenares.

“They always come through when you need help,” Lenares said.

Lenares said he was hospitalized last Thanksgiving, but Amazing Grace didn’t forget him.

“They gave me everything I needed. They didn’t have to, and they did. They just made my whole holiday,” Lenares said.

It’s people like Lenares who rely on Connecticut Foodshare and the 500 pantries being supplied this Thanksgiving. But those who operate food pantries remind people that food insecurity doesn’t end with the holidays.

“Thanksgiving is big. The holidays are big, but I believe there’s a need all year round,” said Joyce Rankins, who operates Shiloh Baptist Food Pantry in Middletown.

While much of the food was donated, a lot was also purchased. Connecticut Foodshare says about 65% of their monetary donations come in during the holiday season.

“So, we have to have a really good holiday season in order to be able to continue to do what we do year-round,” Jakubowski said.

For those interested in volunteering or donating Jakubowski directs people to

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