The Old Saybrook town green on Main Street is filled with 2,977 flags.
The Old Saybrook town green on Main Street is filled with 2,977 flags. The flags represent each person killed in the terror attacks on September 11, 2001.
The display includes hundreds of American flags, as well as flags from other countries representing the nationalities of the people who died.
It is attracting dozens of people to stop and catch a glimpse.
"Even 15 years later when we saw these flags this morning I got goosebumps," said Angela Covert, who worked in Midtown Manhattan and still lives in the city. "It is a very powerful statement about what happened that day, a very sad day. I don't know who is responsible for this, but it is just beautiful."
“It is just very moving just to look and see all of those different lives lost on that day. It was a big moment for America and we all came together," said Budd Hayes, of Old Saybrook.
Seeing the flags is reminding people of the loss and of the patriotism they felt that day.
“You think about the people who lost their lives, you think about the people who survived it and you think about how we as a nation need to come together. We need to think about each other and not just ourselves,” said Covert.
"We will always remember, we will never forget and it is something we need to put forward to our kids and our kids' kids," Hayes said.