Naugatuck High School closed after a student was diagnosed was COVID-19.
Naugatuck High School closed on Wednesday morning and the school will transition to all online learning until further notice after a student tested positive for COVID-19.
All students were dismissed from the high school at 11 a.m. on Wednesday after school administrators learned about the positive test.
The infected student was in the building on Tuesday, according to superintendent Christopher Montini. The senior does not ride the bus and was assigned to in-person learning on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
The student contracted coronavirus from a family member, according to the superintendent.
In an email sent to parents, Montini said the high school is closed effective immediately and students will transition to online learning until further notice.
The school is working with the Naugatuck Valley Health Department to begin contract tracing to determine who may have had exposure to the infected student.
Some other students who drove to school with the infected student will quarantine, Montini said.
The school will undergo a deep cleaning while it is closed.
Administrators said they will work with the Naugatuck Valley Health Department to determine when students and staff will be able to return to school and estimated that could take anywhere from two to five days.