
New Weaver High School Ready for Students

The new space includes high-tech science labs, classrooms with students for every student, and even dance studios.

Hundreds of Hartford Public School students are heading back to class in a brand new facility tomorrow.

Construction workers are putting the finishing touches on the brand new Weaver High School.

“There are some pieces that won’t be readily available right away, said Dr. Leslie Torres-Rodriguez, superintendent of Hartford Public Schools. “We’re phasing those out, but it was our number one priority to make sure that the students could get into the seats on the first day of school.”

The space is built for 800 students. There are high-tech science labs and rooms equipped with enough computers for every student. There are two dance studios.

“Things that students need to compete not only in college but in their career,” said Torres-Rodriguez.

The project is funded almost entirely through the state.

“Like almost every large scale construction project across the state, it is an expensive project,” said Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin. “This is $133 million all together. That includes the school it includes the field house that is still under construction and will be for sometime.”

Bronin says it’s a vital project in a plan to redevelop the Blue Hills Neighborhood.

“The north end of Hartford is a neighborhood, A set of neighborhoods, that were neglected for so long and were disinvested for so long,” Bronin said. “So we’ve worked really hard on neighborhood development.”

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