
Newington community honors late 12-year-old by lighting town pink

NBC Universal, Inc.

There are many words written on the steps of Martin Kellogg Middle School in Newington, but when speaking of former student Regan Martins, principal Jason Lambert kept bringing up one word: kindness.

“She was a warm spirit,” he said. “Involved in a ton of school and community activities. She’d light up the hallways with her smile. She was kind, considerate caring.”

On Aug. 9, 12-year-old Martins unexpectedly passed away leaving behind parents Rui and Theresa as well as three sisters and one brother, according to her obituary.

“Regan’s passing was a very significant hit to our school community,” said Lambert. “She’s just going to be incredibly missed and, in the weeks, ahead it’s going to be difficult.”

Across the community tributes poured in and pink lights were put up in her honor.

Shelly Monica, who volunteers at the school’s drama club and knew Martins personally, was one of the first to put up lights at her house.

“I did not think it would go as quickly as it did,” she said. “She would be so happy right now and I hope that her mom and dad and brother and sisters are happy.”

The Newington Volunteer Fire Department also joined in lighting up its Main Street and West Hill Road locations.

Others in the town did not know her but still joined in.

“As a part of the Newington community we just wanted to support a family that lost their child,” said Caitlyn Kostelis. “Nobody wants to lose a child.”

Monica and the Newington community are calling on everyone to light their houses or businesses pink to honor Martins.

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