Nonprofits Struggling, Looking for a State Budget

Some Connecticut non-profit organizations could run out of money soon without state budget in place.

Nonprofit organizations in Connecticut that depend on funding from the state to operate say they need to see a proposal soon or risk the closure of some providers.

“We want to see a budget that adequately funds the services we provide,” said GianCarl Casa, who leads a coalition of nonprofit organizations.

The groups have seen funding cuts totaling tens of millions since the fiscal year ended in June, and the state has worked without a budget since.

That lack of a budget has led to some facility closures, furlough days, and service cuts for different organizations around the state that provide everything from mental health services to assistance for adults with developmental disabilities.

Barnett Baron’s son has been in a group home for adults with disabilities for more than two decades and he fears what budget cuts could mean for him and other people who live there.

“These clients are being hurt and everything that we’ve done to help these clients seems to be in a downward spiral,” he said.

Baron added, “I would hope as we look back on history a little bit, our children and our grandchildren are going to say did they do the right thing, did we take care of these clients.”

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