Fire damages home and barn on farm in Sharon

NBC Universal, Inc.

Fire caused extensive damage at a home and a barn at a farm in Sharon on Tuesday morning.

Fire caused extensive damage at a home and a barn at a farm in Sharon on Tuesday morning.

Firefighter officials said they were called to respond to the fire at 6:18 a.m. and it caused some extensive damage.

Officials believe some small animals were lost, but said all other livestock got out OK.

A sign at the location says Whitetail Farm.

Litchfield County Dispatch said one person was taken to the hospital, but firefighters at the scene said no people were injured.

Mutual aid responded from out of state, according to posts on social media.

The Union Vale Fire Department in New York posted on Facebook that it a tanker was responding to provide mutual aid to the Sharon Fire Department in Connecticut for a third-alarm structure fire.

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