
Opposers of Police Accountability Bill Hold ‘Back The Blue' Rally

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NBC Universal, Inc.

Governor Lamont on Friday signed into law the state’s controversial police accountability bill.

Those opposed to the newly signed Police Accountability Bill stood united on the steps of the Capitol on Saturday morning.

Current and former police officers along with other community members say they believe the bill was rushed and thought lawmakers needed more time to find a solution to handle police misconduct.

Some of the demonstrators believe that police departments and good officers should not be punished because of one officer.

"You need to get united under something," said Steven Saunders, one opposer of the bill. "Wrong is wrong and right is right and you can't blame everybody in blue because there are a few that aren't right."

A protester not in favor of the Police Accountability Bill holds a sign in front of the Capitol.

Those opposed to the bill also believe local municipalities should not defund police.

Former and current police officers expressed their displeasure to the bill signed by Governor Lamont on Friday.

"We're here to help society," said Officer Anthony Buccheri. "We take a bullet for strangers so when we're villainized, it hurts."

For more details about the Police Accountability Bill, click here.

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