Parent Comments Lead to Shelter in Place Order for Middle School in Newington

A parent's comment lead to a shelter in place order at John Wallace Middle School in Newington on Wednesday, the superintendent said. 

The Department of Children and Families was contacted after a fifth grade student told a school counselor about concerning incidents going on in their home, superintendent Dr. William C. Collins said.

When the mother of the student found out the DCF was contacted, she threatened to harm the assistant principal and her children. The mother told the assistant principal she was on her way to the school, according to Collins. 

"You learn to kinda decipher what are real threats and what are idle threats and when something crosses line to something you’re more concerned about we don’t take any chances at all," Collins told NBC Connecticut.

Police found the woman on her way to the school and she is in central booking. 

The fifth grade student and a sibling have been removed from the home. 

The shelter in place has since been lifted, the superintendent  said.

Newington Police reported to the school to make sure students and faculty were safe, Collins said. 

The mother, who has not been identified, faces breach of preach charges. 

Abbey Niezgoda contributed to this report. 

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