
Possible tornado in Harwinton surprises people in town

NBC Universal, Inc.

People are cleaning up across the state after those strong storms rolled through Friday. It toppled trees and knocked out power for thousands, but the lights are back on for most now.

One of the hardest hit areas was Harwinton, where a possible tornado has been the talk of the town.

“I literally had no idea what to think.”

It was a moment of disbelief for people in Harwinton, Seeing a possible tornado in the sky Friday. People at Edison Grill on Route 4 seeing it up close.

“The wind picked up and I was looking at the trees and a funnel right over the top of the building and came through the parking lot right along the light post over here,” Bryan Gero, of Barkhamsted, said.

Workers at the restaurant say the strong winds took down trees and power lines, knocking their power out.  Buildings in the area relying on generators to keep the lights on. The Edison Grill deciding to close early for the day.

“We got a lot of Grubhubs that I just shut off because people are still ordering, but they’re finding no way to get here,” Seth Degey, Edison Grill manager/owner, said.

The Harwinton First Selectman saying he’s aware of the reports of a possible tornado. He wrote crews are assessing and fixing the damage.

It was the same story in East Windsor with more downed trees and as well as in Burlington.  Some people comparing this bout of wicked weather to the Gulf Coast.

“Summertime, tornado, and Florida weather, yeah,” Erin Hannan, of New Hartford, said.

For people in Harwinton, the possible tornado remains at the top of their mind.

“I was actually hoping to see one eventually but not when it was right in front of my face,” Gero said.

The National Weather Service in Albany says it plans to go to Harwinton to survey the damage.

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