
Q&A: The ‘Great Resignation' and the Job Search Journey

NBC Universal, Inc.

Some business owners say finding employees has become a challenge. For many, it's because the pandemic has really made them rethink why they do what they do, and where they want to work.

A new survey from found that 55% of Americans say they're going to look for a new job in the next year. Why? The top two reasons were greater flexibility and more money. And it comes as millions of positions sit unfilled across the country.

Garrison Law employment attorney Nina Pirrotti sat down with NBC Connecticut's Dan Corcoran to discuss the issue.

Dan: "So let's get down to if this great resignation is even real?"

Pirrotti: "Well, Dan, I am beginning to realize more and more as I delve into this a little deeper and see some of the headlines that it is a real phenomenon and not only among hourly workers, but also among the white-collar ones as well."

Dan: "So why is it that so many people seem to be looking to change jobs right now?"

Pirrotti: "It's interesting, you know, because usually, when clients come to me, they've been terminated from their job, the choice wasn't theirs. And they are faced with this proposition. Well, what next? And I describe that proposition as a gift. Because we're normally on autopilot, right? We may be vaguely miserable at our jobs, but we have a job and we're providing for a family, we're paying our bills, and there's no time or no desire, really to self-reflect, is this really what I want my life? is this really going to be fulfilling in the long term? And yet, I think the pandemic has actually created an opportunity that previously existed only in involuntary terminations, which is it has created an opportunity for self-reflection.

Dan: "Do you think workers then have the upper hand at this point?

Pirrotti: I think they may very well, I think that workers are recognizing now those who thought they could never work remotely, that it couldn't be effective, couldn't possibly have that for themselves, and have done it and done it successfully. And actually realize the benefits of that, which is not only being just as productive but actually having more of a work-life balance. That's what we're looking for life is too short to go, otherwise.

Dan: I think people are smiling listening to you right now. So what should someone they'll consider before they put in that two-week notice?

Pirrotti: "Very good. I absolutely am a firm believer that it is really advantageous to have a job while you're looking for a job. You are a far more attractive candidate if you are continuing to be employed and productive. Ideally, I like to see employees being thoughtful about this process, taking their time figuring out what their options are, what they really want to do next, and not jumping from the frying pan into the fire. There are good reasons to be thoughtful about that process. Of course, if you're, if your work, life is miserable, and you have the luxury of being able to take some time for yourself, and just leave your employment and job search, then I think that that's great. That's the exception to the rule, but there's certainly some that might fall into that category.

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