Rep. Rosa DeLauro Projected Winner of Third Congressional District

NBC Universal, Inc.

Representative Rosa DeLauro will be heading back to Washington for another term as the projected winner of the third congressional district.

DeLauro has won re-election by large margins during her congressional career, but this time faced an aggressive challenge from Republican Margaret Streicker, a real estate executive from Milford.

John Larson is the projected winner for the First District, Joe Courtney is the projected winner for the Second District, Rosa DeLauro is the projected winner for the Third District, Jim Himes is the projected winner for the Fourth District, and Jahana Hayes is the projected winner for the Fifth District, according to NBC News.

The representative has been serving the people of the 3rd congressional district for three decades, and said after 30 years in Washington, there’s still work to be done.

"In the US House of Representatives I chair the subcommittee that directs federal funding for working people," said DeLauro. "It is working families that need a break. And it is government that can and must play a role in helping people get a better chance at a better life."

The last time a Republican held the seat was from 1981-1983, was Larry DeNardis was elected to serve the 3rd district.

DeLauro will begin her 16th term in Congress in the beginning of 2021.

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