
Several CT dairies, cheesemakers win American Cheese Society Awards


grated cheddar cheese with block

If you love cheese and yogurt, Connecticut is a great place to fulfill your desire for delicious dairy.

Several local dairy farms and cheesemakers won or placed in the 2024 American Cheese Society Awards.

The competition, which was held in Minnesota, is one of the most prestigious competitions in the cheese and dairy industry, Gov. Ned Lamont said.

Connecticut dairies and cheesemakers that won or placed

  • 1st Place DC: Open Category (American Made/International Style, Cow’s Milk) – The Gray by The Mystic Cheese Company
  • 1st Place CJ: Monterey Jack – 1881 Reserve by University of Connecticut
  • 1st Place QY: Yogurts – Plain (No Additional Ingredients, Cow’s Milk) – Whole Milk Yogurt by Arethusa Farm Dairy
  • 1st Place AT: Ricotta (Mixed or Other Milks) – Ricotta Di Bufala by Calabro Cheese
  • 1st Place BB: Soft Ripened (Cow’s Milk, 8 oz. and under) – Karlie’s Gratitude by Arethusa Farm Dairy
  • 1st Place HB: Burrata (All Milks) – Burrata di Bufala by Calabro Cheese
  • 1st Place LM: Smoked Italian Styles (All Milks) – Smoked Burrata by Calabro Cheese
  • 2nd Place KQ: Yogurt and Cultured Products with Flavor Added, Cow’s Milk – Whole Milk Yogurt Vanilla by Arethusa Farm Dairy
  • 3rd Place EA: Aged Cheddar (13-23 months) – Tapping Reeve by Arethusa Farm D

Here's the full list in case you want to travel for some yumminess.

“Farms are businesses that create jobs, are responsible for supporting many sectors of our economy, and provide the food that we all eat, which is why it is so amazing that Connecticut’s farms are increasingly being recognized nationally for their products,” Lamont said in a statement.

“These awards are a testament to the incredible artistry, craftsmanship, and unwavering commitment of Connecticut’s farmers and producers. Their achievements highlight the exceptional quality that our state brings to the table, reinforcing Connecticut’s position as a leader in the food and agriculture industries. These accolades not only honor their hard work, but also shine a spotlight on the rich culinary traditions and innovative spirit that define our state,” Lamont added.

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