“Jerry! Jerry!” Chants Start Monday

Free Tickets To Shows

"Sex For Diapers!"

"You Don't Satisfy Me."

"Gay Secrets Revealed."

And that's just some of the action heading to Stamford!

The city is getting revved up for the first taping of  Jerry Springer.

Springer is set to begin taping his show Monday at the Rich Forum. But first, the host surprised the crowd at the final Alive @Five concert of the summer, Greenwich Time reports. Springer, grabbed a guitar and delivered a version of  "Me and Bobby McGee," to the group of fans waiting for Sugar Ray to begin. Yes, Sugar Ray -- and odd combination.

Fellow NBC talk show host Steve Wilkos (you might remember him as the bodyguard on Springer) also joined the crowd. 

"There's only one worse singer in the crowd and that's me," he told.

"I hope you choose to come to see the taping of our shows," Springer told them. "May you never be on our shows."

But if you want to yell "Jerry! Jerry Jerry!," you can get tickets to the Stamford taping for free. Tickets are also available for Wilkos.

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