Michelle Troconis

‘So, he used me?': Troconis' interview with investigators central for day 10 of her trial

Retired state police evidence officer Matthew Reilly speaks about a document depicting a timeline found in Fotis Dulos’ Farmington home on day nine of Michelle Troconis’ criminal trial at Connecticut Superior Court in Stamford, Conn. Wednesday, Jan. 24, 2024. Troconis is on trial for charges related to the disappearance and death of New Canaan resident Jennifer Dulos.

The first interview Michelle Troconis did with investigators central to day 10 of Michelle Troconis’ trial in Stamford.

Jurors got to hear from Michelle Troconis herself a recap of May 24, 2019, the day after she was arrested and brought to the New Canaan Police Department – testimony from a lead investigator on the case. Teeing up inconsistencies in her account.

In the interview, you hear lead investigator on the case John Kimball explain to Troconis what is at stake in the investigation. At the time, he said, “It's our consensus that Jennifer is still missing and it’s really concerning to us…she may be deceased.”

Investigators were interviewing Troconis in the New Canaan Police Department after she was transported there from Avon where she was arrested. The interview took place the afternoon after she was arrested in the presence of her attorney.

“You are safe, and we are concerned for your safety,” said Kimball, making note of Troconis’ safety because of what Kimball described as Fotis Dulos’ behavior following their arrest.

As the interview continued, Troconis walked Kimball and fellow investigator Corey Clabby through her day on May 24, the day Jennifer Dulos disappeared. One of her first notes was a shower with Fotis.

“Fotis jumps into the shower with me,” Troconis described.

Prosecutors stopped the video and asked investigator Kimball on the stand about future interviews Troconis would do in the coming days and months.

“Did the defendant always maintain the account she showered with Fotis Dulos in her account?” asked Assistant States Attorney Sean McGuinness. “She did not,” Kimball said.

Prosecutors stopped the video a few times throughout Thursday to make note of changes Troconis would make in future interviews, including Fotis Dulos’ presence in his office the morning of May 24, and overnight thunderstorms.

The two hour and 45-minute interview contained investigators continuing to press Troconis on Fotis and Troconis' alleged role in Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance.

“So, he used me?” Michelle asked of investigators. “Isn’t that what Fotis does?” Detective Clabby replied.

Outside the courthouse, Defense Attorney Jon Schoenhorn denied the characterization she was changing her story and continues to deny Troconis had any role in the disappearance of Jennifer Dulos.

He expects the video will speak for itself to the jury.

“You have to watch the whole videos and you have to judge for yourself if things that were said were allegedly changed, whether things were being clarified, whether she was being cut off,” Schoenhorn said.

There are two other interviews the jury is expected to see that Troconis did, and we are expecting more testimony from John Kimball.

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