Tweed Airport to Conduct Emergency Drill This Morning

NBC Connecticut

Tweed New Haven Airport is holding an emergency response exercise this morning.

The drill starts at 10 a.m.  and emergency vehicles, along with fire and rescue vehicles, are expected to respond to the drill, which is expected to have minimal effect on air traffic.

In addition to Tweed New Haven Airport staff, the New Haven and East Haven Police and Fire Departments, City of New Haven Office of Emergency Management, Town of East Haven, AMR, C-Med, the FBI, Connecticut State Police, and the Transportation Security Administration and others will take part in the drill. 

The airport does these exercises every three years in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration guidelines.

Airport officials said emergency procedures this drill test are in addition to new safety protocols implemented by all AvPORTS’s airports, including Tweed Airport, to protect travelers and airport workers from the spread of COVID-19.

Tweed New Haven Airport has have implemented a SAFE HANDS protocol to address COVID-19 and it includes anti-cough barriers at customer service stations, touchless hand sanitizing stations, self- disinfecting materials at frequently touched surfaces, touchless restroom and parking technology, electrostatic spray disinfection for terminal and PPE vending machines.

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