
UConn issues apology after class reference to Sandy Hook shooter

The University of Connecticut is apologizing after an assignment referenced the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooter by name.

University officials said a hypothetical cybersecurity scenario presented to students in a computer science engineering class used the shooter's name, which resulted in complaints from students.

The shooter's name was used as the hypothetical account holder, but UConn said "nothing else in the scenario reflected his actions before or on Dec. 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary."

Some students told the university that using the shooter's name was unnecessary and the educational value of the scenario was not contingent on it.

"Please accept my deepest apologies on behalf of the College of Engineering and the course’s instructors, who have reached out to its students to express their regret for this error in judgment and immediately changed the content," College of Engineering Dean Kazen Kazerounian said in a statement.

"We are truly sorry that this occurred, especially for our students who hail from Newtown and all those who were personally affected by the events on that terrible day," the statement continued.

The university is urged anyone in need of support to contact UConn Student Health and Wellness through its Be Well initiative at 833-308-3040.

Twenty elementary school students and six educators were killed in the Sandy Hook shooting.

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